Peter Wagner to be honored by the Center for Church and Prison

PPI's Executive Director, Peter Wagner, will be one of the honorees at the formal launching of the Center for Church and Prison event on 11/19.

by Leah Sakala, November 18, 2011

Tomorrow marks the formal launching of the Center for Church and Prison, a faith-based research organization dedicated to reducing incarceration and recidivism. The inaugural event in Cambridge, Massachusetts will feature music and theater, and honorees at the event will include PPI’s Executive Director, Peter Wagner.

The Center for Church and Prison has been instrumental in working to remedy the problem of prison-based gerrymandering in Massachusetts. For example, the Center organized “Black Community Losing Power: Counting Inmates In the Wrong Place,” a highly successful public forum and panel discussion about prison-based gerrymandering.

We’re looking forward to celebrating with the Center for Church and Prison at tomorrow’s event, and hope to see you there if you’ll be in the New England area! Please check out the event website for tickets and more information

2 responses:

  1. Rosaleen Crotty-Ehinger says:

    Mr. Wagner,

    Congratulations on your recent honor from the Center for Church and Prison. Your excellent work will surely see real change in your life time and hopefully sooner rather than the far end of said life!

    Rosaleen, Germany

    1. Peter Wagner says:

      Thanks Rosaleen! Your continued support means a lot. Are you following the Prison Policy Initiative on Facebook? As soon as I have a chance I’ll post some of the photos from the event there.

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