Peter Wagner Testifies at Connecticut Reapportionment Committee Public Hearing

Connecticut can avoid prison-based gerrymandering when drawing districts-- Peter Wagner testifies in Connecticut Reapportionment hearing.

by Leah Sakala, July 11, 2011

testimony thumbnailConnecticut can avoid prison-based gerrymandering when drawing districts, said Peter Wagner last week at the Connecticut Reapportionment Committee Public Hearing in the Waterbury City Hall. In his testimony, he presented two different ways that the Connecticut legislature can avoid prison-based gerrymandering as they begin their redistricting process.

CT-N has the video of the testimony. Peter’s part runs from 30:45 to 39:27. You can see Common Cause’s testimony earlier in the video, and State Rep. Larry Butler’s testimony in support of prison-based gerrymandering reform is at the end of the video.

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