Annual appeal

by Peter Wagner, December 16, 2009

The 2010 Census is almost here, and the Prison Policy Initiative needs your support.

The financial and moral support of the people who read this blog has helped to propel the once obscure issue of prison-based gerrymandering into the national consciousness.

Despite our progress over the last 7 years, the Census will again be counting incarcerated people as residents of the prison towns, shifting political power to legislative districts that contain prisons.

If we act fast, short-term solutions are still possible. We are working with states, counties, and redistricting experts to develop ways that they can adjust the Census Bureau’s prison count prior to redistricting and thereby minimize the negative effects of the prison miscount.

Interest in prison-based gerrymandering is rising quickly. In the months ahead, we’ll be harnessing the national excitement around the 2010 Census to educate the nation about the issue of prison-based gerrymandering and to encourage the Census Bureau to commit to changing how incarcerated people are counted in the future.

We need your continued support to do this. We’ve received some generous foundation support in the last few months that has enabled us to expand our staff, and we need your help to raise the last of the funds we need for our final push.

The Prison Policy Initiative is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, so gifts can be tax-deductible. We can accept checks to Prison Policy Initiative PO Box 127 Northampton MA 01061 or with a credit card via Network for Good.

The Census is almost here. The time to shape the debate around the 2010 Census is now. If you can again help support our work, please do so today.

Thank you!

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