A sample of the comment letters submitted in 2015 to the Census Bureau calling for an end to prison gerrymandering
This page reprints a sample of the comment letters submitted to the Census Bureau in support of ending prison gerrymandering. These letters were in response to a Federal Register notice published in May 2015. The Bureau received 262 comments about where to count people. A majority of the comments (162) concerned the residence of incarcerated people, and 96% of these (155) opposed the Bureau's current approach of counting incarcerated people as if they were residents of the facility.
The Census Bureau published their own analysis of the comments and they published all of the comments in a heavily redacted privacy-conscious form. Because the letters are far more readable and persuasive in their original form, we are posting here the letters of 121 organizations and individuals who generously sent us copies of their letters. For a sample of the letters submitted in 2016, see our FRN 2016 page.
- A New PATH (Word)
- Adele L. Franks, M.D. and T. Stephen Jones, M.D., M.P.H.
- All of Us or None
- American Civil Liberties Union
- AmericanTribune.org
- Andrea Balzano
- Arkansas Voices for Children Left Behind (Word)
- Asian Americans Advancing Justice
- Californians United for a Responsible Budget (Word)
- Campaign for Youth Justice
- Center for Living and Learning
- Chandra Bozelko
- Citizens Against Recidivism
- Colorado Common Cause
- Colorado-CURE (Word)
- Common Cause
- Common Cause Connecticut
- Common Cause Delaware and Delaware Americans for Democratic Action (Word)
- Common Cause Florida (Word)
- Common Cause Georgia
- Common Cause Illinois
- Common Cause Indiana (Word)
- Common Cause Maryland (Word)
- Common Cause Minnesota (Word)
- Common Cause New Mexico (Word)
- Common Cause New York
- Common Cause Oregon
- Common Cause Pennsylvania (Word)
- Common Cause Rhode Island
- Common Cause Wisconsin (Word)
- Community Alliance on Prisons
- Connecticut Working Families (Word)
- Correctional Association of New York
- Council on Crime and Justice
- Criminal Justice Policy Coalition
- Daniel Dick
- Daniel Jenkins
- David McCluskey (Word)
- Delaware Housing Coalition (Word)
- Democracy North Carolina (Word)
- Dēmos (Appendix — Implementing Reform: How Maryland & New York Ended Prison Gerrymandering)
- Dr. Daniel E. Loeb, Ph.D.
- Dr. Joyce Smith
- Dr. Mechthild Nagel (Word)
- Drew Kukorowski
- Drug Policy Alliance (Word)
- Elena Lavarreda
- EPOCA (Word)
- Eric Lotke (Word)
- Fair Elections Legal Network
- FairVote (Word)
- Family Reconciliation Center
- Formerly Incarcerated and Convicted People's Movement (Word)
- Georgia State Senator Nan Grogan Orrock
- Grassroots Leadership (Word)
- Illinois State Representative La Shawn K. Ford
- Integrated Justice Alliance of New Jersey
- Professor James J. Prescott (Word)
- Jerry Depew
- Joanne Jones
- Josiah R. Wilson (Word)
- Julia Knight (Word)
- Justice Strategies
- Kelsey Kauffman (Word)
- Latino and Puerto Rican Affairs Commission
- LatinoJustice PRLDEF
- Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights
- League of Women Voters of New Jersey
- League of Women Voters of the Northwoods (Word)
- League of Women Voters of Virginia (Word)
- League of Women Voters of Wisconsin
- League of Women Voters of Wisconsin Rapids (Word)
- Lee G. Petro
- Legal Services for Prisoners with Children
- Lionheart Foundation
- Martha Swan (Word)
- Maryland NAACP, Somerset County NAACP, and ACLU of Maryland
- Maryland Delegate Sam Rasoul
- Massachusetts State Senator Stanley Rosenberg, Massachusetts State Senator Benjamin Downing, Massachusetts State Representative Edward Coppinger, and Massachusetts State Representative Michael Moran
- Massachusetts State Representative James O'Day
- Massachusetts Town Meeting Representative Samuel Obar
- Michigan State Representative Jeff Irwin
- Minnesota Second Chance Coalition
- Morgan County (Tennessee) Commissioner Jerry Zorsch
- NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc.
- NAACP Washington Bureau
- National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
- Neighbor to Neighbor
- New Jersey Association on Correction (Word)
- New Jersey Tenants Organization
- New York State Senator Velmanette Montgomery
- Prison Action Network (Word)
- Prison Justice League
- Prison Policy Initiative (Appendix - The Racial Geography of Mass Incarceration)
- Prisoners' Legal Services of New York
- Professor Gerald R. Webster
- Professor James Jennings
- Professor Justin Levitt
- Professor Pamela E. Oliver
- Professor William Martin
- Project Vote
- R. Nora Crotty
- Rachel Gandy
- Real Cost of Prisons Project (Word)
- Russell Havens
- Shelise L. Taylor (Word)
- Southern Center for Human Rights
- Stephen Raher
- Steven Gelb (Word)
- Suzi Wizowaty (Word)
- Texas Civil Rights Project
- Texas Criminal Justice Coalition
- The Fortune Society
- Todd A. Breitbart
- Tribal Law Journal
- Virginia Delegate Patrick A. Hope
- Voice of the Ex-Offender (V.O.T.E.)
- Voting Rights and Civic Participation Project and Racial Justice Project
- William S. Cooper
- Wisconsin Congresswoman Gwen Moore
- Women Who Never Give Up