Wyoming correctional populations of Census 2010 vintage

We recommend using these addresses only for guidance in identifying prison populations in the Census data and warn against assuming that the prisons were in fact counted at that particular location.

Facility Name Prisoners Type Address City Zip County Survey Date
Albany County Jail 71 Local 420 Ivinson Laramie 82070 3/31/2006
Campbell Co Corr Facility - Voa 46 Private P.O. Box 1346 Gillette 82717 Campbell County 12/30/2005
Campbell County Detention Center 133 Local 600 W. Boxelder Gillette 82716 3/31/2006
Carbon County Jail 43 Local P.O. Box 190 Rawlins 82301 3/31/2006
Comm Alternatives Of Casper & Re-Entry Ctr 200 Private P.O. Box 2380 Mills 82644 Natrona County 12/30/2005
Converse County Jail 30 Local 107 N. 5th Street Douglas 82633-2433 3/31/2006
Crook County Jail 6 Local 309 Cleveland Sundance 82729 3/31/2006
Fremont County Jail 160 Local 460 Railroad Street Lander 82520 3/31/2006
Frontier Correctional Systems 34 Private P.O. Box 693 Cheyenne 82003 Laramie County 12/30/2005
Goshen County Jail 60 Local 2120 East B Street Torrington 82240-2445 3/31/2006
Hot Springs County Detention Center 10 Local 417 Arapahoe Thermopolis 82443 3/31/2006
Johnson County Jail 12 Local 639 Fort Street Buffalo 82834 3/31/2006
Laramie County Jail 240 Local 1910 Pioneer Avenue Cheyenne 82001-3605 3/31/2006
Lincoln County Jail 25 Local 1032 Beech Street Kemmerer 83101 3/31/2006
Natrona County Detention Center 293 Local 1100 North Bruce Lane Casper 82601 3/31/2006
Niobrara County Criminal Justice Facility 14 Local 416 South Elm Street Lusk 82225 3/31/2006
Park County Law Enforcement Center 43 Local 1402 River View Dr. Cody 82414 3/31/2006
Platte County Jail 95 Local 850 Maple Street Wheatland 82201 3/31/2006
Sheridan County Jail 54 Local 54 West 13th Street Sheridan 82801 3/31/2006
Sublette County Jail 23 Local 35 South Tyler Pinedale 82941 3/31/2006
Sweetwater County Jail 107 Local 50 West Flaming Gorge Green River 82935 3/31/2006
Teton County Jail 40 Local King & Simpson Streets Jackson 83001-1885 3/31/2006
Uinta County Jail 77 Local 77 County Road 109 Evanston 82930 3/31/2006
Washakie County Detention Center 26 Local 100 N. 10th Street Worland 82401 3/31/2006
Weston County Jail 23 Local 25 North Sumner New Castle 82701 3/31/2006
Wyoming Honor Conservation Camp & Boot Camp 186 State P.O. Box 160 Newcastle 82701 Weston County 12/30/2005
Wyoming Honor Farm 247 State 40 Honor Farm Road Riverton 82501 Fremont County 12/30/2005
Wyoming State Penitentiary 591 State P.O. Box 400 Rawlins 82301 Carbon County 12/30/2005
Wyoming Women's Center 116 State P.O. Box 20 Lusk 82225 Uinta County 12/30/2005

This table draws data from three sources:

  • Federal prisons on April 1, 2010: The Prison Policy Initiative downloaded the weekly population list from the Bureau of Prisons for that date on April 4, 2010.
  • State and federal correctional facilities on December 30, 2005 were extracted from: United States Department of Justice. Office of Justice Programs. Bureau of Justice Statistics. Census of State and Federal Adult Correctional Facilities, 2005 [Computer file]. ICPSR24642-v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2010-10-05. doi:10.3886/ICPSR24642
  • Local jails on March 31, 2006 was extracted from: United States Department of Justice. Office of Justice Programs. Bureau of Justice Statistics. Census of Jail Facilities, 2006 [Computer file]. ICPSR26602-v1. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2010-01-26. doi:10.3886/ICPSR26602

Military prisons and state halfway houses are not included in the above table as we were not able to locate an appropriate national database of these types of facilities. Juvenile facilities are not included in the above because the Census Bureau counts these facilities separately from the adult correctional institutions that are the focus of our work. Where necessary, state-specific sources will be more useful for identifying juvenile facilities.

We do, however, have a list (without population information) of all federal halfway houses as of March 2010.

For state, federal and local prisons built or expanded in the latter half of the decade, you may find this list of New and Expanded Prisons Since 2000 helpful as well.

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