South Carolina correctional populations of Census 2010 vintage

We recommend using these addresses only for guidance in identifying prison populations in the Census data and warn against assuming that the prisons were in fact counted at that particular location.

Facility Name Prisoners Type Address City Zip County Survey Date
Abbeville County Detention Center 55 Local 21 Old Calhoun Falls Road Abbeville 29620 3/31/2006
Aiken County Detention Center 386 Local 435 Wire Road Aiken 29801 3/31/2006
Allendale Correctional Institution 1,206 State P.O. Box 1151 Fairfax 29827 Allendale County 12/30/2005
Allendale County Jail 37 Local Hwy 278 East Allendale 29810 3/31/2006
Anderson City Jail 105 Local 401 South Main Street Anderson 29624 3/31/2006
Anderson County Jail 527 Local 1009 County Home Road Anderson 29625 3/31/2006
Bamberg County Jail 28 Local 100 Second Street Bamberg 29003 3/31/2006
Barnwell County Detention Center 76 Local Calhoun Street Barnwell 29812 3/31/2006
Beaufort County Detention Center 290 Local 106 Ribault Road Beaufort 29902 3/31/2006
Bennettsvile-Camp 121 Federal 4/1/2010
Bennettsville FCI 1,644 Federal 4/1/2010
Berkeley County Detention Center 283 Local 300 California Avenue Moncks Corner 29461 3/31/2006
Broad River Correctional Institution 1,353 State 4460 Broad River Road Columbia 29210 Richland County 12/30/2005
Camille Griffin Graham Correctional Inst 503 State 4450 Broad River Road Columbia 29210 Richland County 12/30/2005
Campbell Pre-Release Center 235 State 4530 Broad River Road Columbia 29210 Richland County 12/30/2005
Catawba Pre-Release Center 179 State Route 5, Box 378 Rock Hill 29730 York County 12/30/2005
CCC - Alston Wilkes Society/Charleston Fac 23 Private 3290-A Meeting Street Charleston 29405 Charleston County 12/30/2005
CCC - Alston Wilkes Society/Florence Fac 14 Private 441 W Cheves Street Florence 29501 Florence County 12/30/2005
CCC - Alston Wilkes Society/Greenville Fac 31 Private 614 Pendleton Street Greenville 29601 Greenville County 12/30/2005
Charleston County Jail 1,568 Local 3841 Leeds Avenue Charleston 29405 3/31/2006
Cherokee County Detention Center 180 Local 315 E. Dr. L.M. Rosemond Lane Gaffney 29340 3/31/2006
Chester County Detention Center 103 Local 2740 Dawson Drive Chester 29706 3/31/2006
Chesterfield County 57 Local Route 3 Box 15 Chesterfield 29709 3/31/2006
Chesterfield County Work Camp 50 Local 317 Good Dale Road Chesterfield 29709 3/31/2006
Clarendon County Jail 70 Local P.O. Box 730 Manning 29102-0730 3/31/2006
Coastal Pre-Release Center 137 State 3765 Leeds Avenue Charleston 29405 Charleston County 12/30/2005
Colleton County Jail 68 Local 22 Klein Street Walterboro 29488 3/31/2006
CSC - Alston Wilkes Society/Columbia Fac 27 Private 1218 Bull Street Columbia 29201 Richland County 12/30/2005
Darlington County Correctional Center 182 Local 2349 Rogers Road Darlington 29532-6239 3/31/2006
Dillon County Detention Center 164 Local 1027 Old Latta Hwy Dillon 29536 3/31/2006
Dorchester County Jail 239 Local 100 Sears Street Saint George 29477 3/31/2006
Edgefield County Jail 64 Local 200 Railroad Street Edgefield 29824 3/31/2006
Edgefield FCI 1,623 Federal 4/1/2010
Edgefield-Camp 463 Federal 4/1/2010
Estill FCI 1,148 Federal 4/1/2010
Estill FCI & Camp 1,333 Federal 100 Prison Road Estill 29918 Hampton County 12/30/2005
Estill-Camp 300 Federal 4/1/2010
Evans Correctional Institution 1,322 State 201 E Market Street Bennettsville 29512 Marlboro County 12/30/2005
Fairfield County Detention Center 91 Local #10 Faith Lane Winnsboro 29180 3/31/2006
FCI Bennettsville & Camp 1,562 Federal 696 Muckerman Road Bennetsville 29512 12/30/2005
FCI Williamsburg & Camp 1,446 Federal 8301 Highway 521 Salters 29590 12/30/2005
Federal Corr Inst & Camp - Edgefield 2,129 Federal 501 Gary Hill Road Edgefield 29824 Edgefield County 12/30/2005
Florence County Detention Center 449 Local 6719 Friend Field Road Effingham 29541 3/31/2006
Georgetown County Jail 196 Local 2394 Brown's Ferry Road Georgetown 29440-2071 3/31/2006
Goodman Correctional Institution 312 State 4456 Broad River Road Columbia 29210 Richland County 12/30/2005
Greenville County Detention Center 1,394 Local 20 Mcgee Street Greenville 29601 3/31/2006
Greenwood County Detention Center 246 Local 528 Edgefield St. Greenwood 29646 3/31/2006
Hampton County Jail 53 Local 409 Cemetery Road Varnville 29924 3/31/2006
Horry County Detention Center 549 Local 4150 J. Reuben Long Avenue Conway 29526-5456 3/31/2006
Jasper County Jail 81 Local 402 Carters Mill Road Ridgeland 29936 3/31/2006
Kershaw Correctional Institution 1,456 State 4848 Goldmine Hwy Kershaw 29067 Lancaster County 12/30/2005
Kershaw County Detention Center 122 Local 101 Bramblewood Plantation Road Camden 29020 3/31/2006
Kirkland Reception & Evaluation Center 1,522 State 4344 Broad River Road Columbia 29210 Richland County 12/30/2005
Lancaster County Detention Center 140 Local 1941 Pageland Highway Lancaster 29721 3/31/2006
Laurens County Detention Center 156 Local Templeton Road Laurens 29360 3/31/2006
Leath Correctional Institution 682 State 2809 Airport Road Greenwood 29649 Greenwood County 12/30/2005
Lee Correctional Institution 1,647 State 990 Wisacky Hwy Bishopville 29010 Lee County 12/30/2005
Lexington County Jail 783 Local 521 Gibson Road Lexington 29071 3/31/2006
Lieber Correctional Institution 1,488 State 136 Wilborn Avenue Ridgeville 29472 Dorchester County 12/30/2005
Livesay Pre-Release Center 149 State 104 Broadcast Drive Spartanburg 29303 Spartanburg County 12/30/2005
Lower Savannah Pre-Release Center 235 State 361 Wire Road Aiken 29801 Aiken County 12/30/2005
Manning Correctional Institution 661 State P.O. Box 3173 Columbia 29203-3173 Richland County 12/30/2005
Marion County Jail 79 Local 2715 E. Hwy. 76 Mullins 29574 3/31/2006
Marion County Prison Camp 18 Local 180 Airport Road Mullins 29574 3/31/2006
Marlboro County Jail 63 Local 253 Throop Street Bennettsville 29512 3/31/2006
McCormick Correctional Institution 1,236 State 386 Redemption Way McCormick 29899 McCormick County 12/30/2005
McCormick County Jail 40 Local 125 South Highway - Mine Street McCormick 29835 3/31/2006
Mcdougall Correctional Institution 555 State 1516 Old Gilliard Road Ridgeville 29472 Dorchester County 12/30/2005
Newberry County Detention Center 95 Local 3239 Louis Rich Rd. Newberry 29108 3/31/2006
Northside Correctional Center 368 State 504 Broadcast Drive Spartanburg 29303 Spartanburg County 12/30/2005
Oconee Law Enforcement Center 136 Local 300 South Church Street Walhalla 29691 3/31/2006
Orangeburg-Calhoun Regional Detention Ctr 365 Local 1520 Ellis Avenue Orangeburg 29116 3/31/2006
Palmer Pre-Release Center 271 State 2012 Pisgah Road Florence 29501 Florence County 12/30/2005
Perry Correctional Institution 977 State 430 Oaklawn Road Pelzer 29669 Anderson County 12/30/2005
Pickens County Jail 106 Local 216 Lec Road Pickens 29671 3/31/2006
Pickens County Prison 98 Local 182 Prison Camp Road Pickens 29671 3/31/2006
Richland County Detention Center 1,100 Local 201 John Mark Dial Drive Columbia 29209-9481 3/31/2006
Ridgeland Correctional Institution 1,239 State P.O. Box 2039 Ridgeland 29936 Jasper County 12/30/2005
Saluda City-County Jail 27 Local 205 E. Church St. Saluda 29138 3/31/2006
Spartanburg County Detention Facility 763 Local 950 California Avenue Spartanburg 29303 3/31/2006
Stevenson Correctional Institution 315 State 4546 Broad River Road Columbia 29210 Richland County 12/30/2005
Sumter-Lee Regional Detention Center 438 Local 1250 Winkles Road Sumter 29153 3/31/2006
Trenton Correctional Institution 594 State P.O. Box 1000 Trenton 29847 Edgefield County 12/30/2005
Turbeville Correctional Facility 1,229 State P.O. Box 252 Turbeville 29162 Clarendon County 12/30/2005
Tyger River Correctional Institution 1,262 State 200 Prison Road Enoree 29335 Spartanburg County 12/30/2005
Union County Jail 35 Local 1657 Jonesville Highway Union 29379 3/31/2006
Union County Public Works Detention Center 49 Local 1657 Jonesville Highway Union 29379 3/31/2006
Walden Correctional Institution 323 State 4340 Broad River Road Columbia 29210 Richland County 12/30/2005
Wateree River Correctional Institution 877 State P.O. Box 189 Rembert 29128 Kershaw County 12/30/2005
Watkins Pre-Release Center 109 State 1700 St. Andrews Terrace Columbia 29210 Richland County 12/30/2005
Williamsburg County Jail 104 Local 207 South Jackson Street Kingstree 29556 3/31/2006
Williamsburg FCI 1,609 Federal 4/1/2010
Williamsburg-Camp 125 Federal 4/1/2010
York Co Moss Justice Center 288 Local 1675-3a York Highway York 29745 3/31/2006
York County Prison 165 Local 1675-5a York Highway York 29745 3/31/2006

This table draws data from three sources:

  • Federal prisons on April 1, 2010: The Prison Policy Initiative downloaded the weekly population list from the Bureau of Prisons for that date on April 4, 2010.
  • State and federal correctional facilities on December 30, 2005 were extracted from: United States Department of Justice. Office of Justice Programs. Bureau of Justice Statistics. Census of State and Federal Adult Correctional Facilities, 2005 [Computer file]. ICPSR24642-v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2010-10-05. doi:10.3886/ICPSR24642
  • Local jails on March 31, 2006 was extracted from: United States Department of Justice. Office of Justice Programs. Bureau of Justice Statistics. Census of Jail Facilities, 2006 [Computer file]. ICPSR26602-v1. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2010-01-26. doi:10.3886/ICPSR26602

Military prisons and state halfway houses are not included in the above table as we were not able to locate an appropriate national database of these types of facilities. Juvenile facilities are not included in the above because the Census Bureau counts these facilities separately from the adult correctional institutions that are the focus of our work. Where necessary, state-specific sources will be more useful for identifying juvenile facilities.

We do, however, have a list (without population information) of all federal halfway houses as of March 2010.

For state, federal and local prisons built or expanded in the latter half of the decade, you may find this list of New and Expanded Prisons Since 2000 helpful as well.

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