Help End Prison Gerrymandering Prison gerrymandering funnels political power away from urban communities to legislators who have prisons in their (often white, rural) districts. More than two decades ago, the Prison Policy Initiative put numbers on the problem and sparked the movement to end prison gerrymandering.

Can you help us continue the fight? Thank you.

—Peter Wagner, Executive Director

North Dakota correctional populations of Census 2010 vintage

We recommend using these addresses only for guidance in identifying prison populations in the Census data and warn against assuming that the prisons were in fact counted at that particular location.

Facility Name Prisoners Type Address City Zip County Survey Date
Adams County Jail N/A Local 602 Adams Avenue Hettinger 58639 3/31/2006
Barnes County Correctional Facility 21 Local 491 2nd Avenue N.W. Valley City 58072 3/31/2006
Bismarck Transition Center 61 Private 2001 Lee Avenue Bismarck 58504 Burleigh County 12/30/2005
Bottineau County Jail 3 Local Courthouse Bottineau 58318 3/31/2006
Burleigh County Detention Center 130 Local 514 East Thayer Bismarck 58502-4413 3/31/2006
Cass County Jail 233 Local 450 34th St South Fargo 58103-2229 3/31/2006
Cavalier County Jail 1 Local 901 3rd Street Langdon 58249 3/31/2006
Centre Bismarck 24 Private 315 West Indiana Bismarck 58504 Burleigh County 12/30/2005
Centre Fargo 76 Private 123 15th Street N Fargo 58102 Cass County 12/30/2005
Dakota Women's Correctional & Rehab Center 114 Local 440 Mckenzie Avenue New England 58647 Hettinger County 12/30/2005
Grand Forks County Correctional Center 120 Local 125 South 5th Street Grand Forks 58206 3/31/2006
James River Correctional Center 384 State 2521 Circle Drive Jamestown 58401 Stutsman County 12/30/2005
Lake Regional Law Enforcement Center 64 Local 222 West Walnut Street Devils Lake 58301 3/31/2006
Mckenzie County Jail 2 Local 201 W. 5th Street Watford City 58854 3/31/2006
Mercer County Jail 7 Local Courthouse Stanton 58571 3/31/2006
Missouri River Correctional Center 144 State P.O. Box 5521 Bismarck 58506-5521 Burleigh County 12/30/2005
Morton County Correctional Center 25 Local 205 1st Ave., N.W. Mandan 58554 3/31/2006
Mountrail County Jail 5 Local Courthouse Stanley 58784 3/31/2006
North Dakota State Penitentiary 536 State P.O. Box 5521 Bismarck 58506-5521 Burleigh County 12/30/2005
Pembina County Jail 4 Local 308 Courthouse Drive No. 2 Cavalier 58220 3/31/2006
Pierce County Jail 3 Local 311 S.E. 3rd Avenue Rugby 58368 3/31/2006
Richland County Jail 18 Local 413 3rd Avenue, North Wahpeton 58075 3/31/2006
Rolette County Jail 15 Local 209 1st Avenue, N.E. Rolla 58367 3/31/2006
Southwest Multi-Co Regional Corr Facility 80 Local 66 Museum Drive Dickinson 58601 3/31/2006
Stutsman County Correctional Center 79 Local 205 Sixth Street, S.E. Jamestown 58401 3/31/2006
Swmcc Work Release 72 Private 66 West 12th Street Dickinson 58601 Stark County 12/30/2005
Traill County Jail 2 Local Caladonia Avenue Hillsboro 58045 3/31/2006
Walsh County Jail 16 Local 638 Cooper Ave. Grafton 58237 3/31/2006
Ward County Jail 74 Local 312 3rd Avenue, S.E. Minot 58702 3/31/2006
Williams County Correctional Center 35 Local 512 4th Avenue, E. Williston 58802 3/31/2006

This table draws data from three sources:

  • Federal prisons on April 1, 2010: The Prison Policy Initiative downloaded the weekly population list from the Bureau of Prisons for that date on April 4, 2010.
  • State and federal correctional facilities on December 30, 2005 were extracted from: United States Department of Justice. Office of Justice Programs. Bureau of Justice Statistics. Census of State and Federal Adult Correctional Facilities, 2005 [Computer file]. ICPSR24642-v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2010-10-05. doi:10.3886/ICPSR24642
  • Local jails on March 31, 2006 was extracted from: United States Department of Justice. Office of Justice Programs. Bureau of Justice Statistics. Census of Jail Facilities, 2006 [Computer file]. ICPSR26602-v1. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2010-01-26. doi:10.3886/ICPSR26602

Military prisons and state halfway houses are not included in the above table as we were not able to locate an appropriate national database of these types of facilities. Juvenile facilities are not included in the above because the Census Bureau counts these facilities separately from the adult correctional institutions that are the focus of our work. Where necessary, state-specific sources will be more useful for identifying juvenile facilities.

We do, however, have a list (without population information) of all federal halfway houses as of March 2010.

For state, federal and local prisons built or expanded in the latter half of the decade, you may find this list of New and Expanded Prisons Since 2000 helpful as well.

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