Arizona correctional populations of Census 2010 vintage

We recommend using these addresses only for guidance in identifying prison populations in the Census data and warn against assuming that the prisons were in fact counted at that particular location.

Facility Name Prisoners Type Address City Zip County Survey Date
Apache County Jail 110 Local 370 South Washington Street St. Johns 85936 3/31/2006
Asp - Florence West 618 Private P.O. Box 1599 Florence 85232 Pinal County 12/30/2005
Asp - Kingman 1,344 Private P.O. Box 3939 Kingman 86402 Mohave County 12/30/2005
Aspc - Douglass 2,160 State P.O. Box 3867 Douglas 85608 Cochise County 12/30/2005
Aspc - Eyman 4,263 State P.O. Box 3500 Florence 85232-3500 Pinal County 12/30/2005
Aspc - Florence 3,900 State P.O. Box 629 Florence 85232-0629 Pinal County 12/30/2005
Aspc - Lewis 4,770 State P.O. Box 70 Buckeye 85326 Maricopa County 12/30/2005
Aspc - Perryville 2,974 State P.O. Box 3000 Goodyear 85336 Maricopa County 12/30/2005
Aspc - Phoenix 903 State P.O. Box 52109 Phoenix 85072 Maricopa County 12/30/2005
Aspc - Phoenix West 388 Private 3402 West Cocopah Phoenix 85009 Maricopa County 12/30/2005
Aspc - Safford 1,736 State P.O. Box 2222 Safford 85548-2222 Graham County 12/30/2005
Aspc - Tuscon 3,938 State 10000 S Wilmot Road Tucson 85734-4400 Pima County 12/30/2005
Aspc - Winslow 1,645 State 2100 S. Hwy 87 Winslow 86047 Navajo County 12/30/2005
Aspc - Yuma 2,256 State P.O. Box 13004 Yuma 85366-3004 Yuma County 12/30/2005
Behavioral Systems Southwest 42 Private P.O. Box 2490 Florence 85232 Pinal County 12/30/2005
Bssw-CSC (Mint - Mothers And Infants) #7 6 Private 2846 E Roosevelt Road Phoenix 85008 Maricopa County 12/30/2005
Cochise County Jail 206 Local 203 N. Judd Drive Bisbee 85603 3/31/2006
Coconino County Jail 497 Local 911 E Sawmill Road Flagstaff 86001 3/31/2006
Dismas CCC 40 Private 3443 S Richey Blvd Tucson 85713 Pima County 12/30/2005
Eloy Detention Center 1,282 Private 1705 East Hanna Road Eloy 85231 Pinal County 12/30/2005
Gila County Jail 152 Local 1100 South Street Globe 85502 3/31/2006
Graham County Jail 101 Local 523 Tenth Avenue Safford 85546 3/31/2006
Greenlee Co Corr Fac 30 Local Fifth And Leonard Clifton 85533 3/31/2006
La Paz County Jail 226 Local 1109 Arizona Avenue Parker City 85344 3/31/2006
Marana Comm Correctional Treatment Facility 419 Private 12610 W. Silverbell Rd. Marana 85653 Pima County 12/30/2005
Maricopa County 9,405 Local 100 W. Washington Street Phoenix 85003 3/31/2006
Mohave County Jail 499 Local 415 Pine Street Kingman 86401-1191 3/31/2006
Navajo County Detention Center 330 Local South Hwy. 77 Holbrook 86025 3/31/2006
New Beginnings Treatment Center 53 Private 2445 N Oracle Road Tucson 85705 Pima County 12/30/2005
Phoenix CCC 80 Private 2846 E. Roosevelt Rd Phoenix 85008 Maricopa County 12/30/2005
Phoenix FCI 991 Federal 4/1/2010
Phoenix FCI & Camp 1,380 Federal 37900 N 45th Avenue Phoenix 85086 Maricopa County 12/30/2005
Phoenix-Camp 279 Federal 4/1/2010
Pima County Adult Detention Center 1,937 Local 1270 W. Silverlake Road Tucson 85713 3/31/2006
Pinal County Jail 623 Local 951 North Pinal Parkway Florence 85232 3/31/2006
Safford FCI 834 Federal P.O. Box 820 Safford 85548 Graham County 12/30/2005
Safford FCI 1,294 Federal 4/1/2010
Santa Cruz County Jail 101 Local 1250 North Hohokam Drive Nogales 85621 3/31/2006
Tucson FCI 704 Federal 8901 S Wilmot Road Tucson 85706 Pima County 12/30/2005
Tucson FCI 740 Federal 4/1/2010
Tucson USP 1,078 Federal 4/1/2010
Tucson-Camp 126 Federal 4/1/2010
Tuscon CCC 38 Private 6420 S. Park Ave. Tucson 85706 Pima County 12/30/2005
Yavapai County 494 Local 255 East Gurley Street Prescott 86301 3/31/2006
Yuma County Detention Center 598 Local 145 S. Third Avenue Yuma 85364 3/31/2006

This table draws data from three sources:

  • Federal prisons on April 1, 2010: The Prison Policy Initiative downloaded the weekly population list from the Bureau of Prisons for that date on April 4, 2010.
  • State and federal correctional facilities on December 30, 2005 were extracted from: United States Department of Justice. Office of Justice Programs. Bureau of Justice Statistics. Census of State and Federal Adult Correctional Facilities, 2005 [Computer file]. ICPSR24642-v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2010-10-05. doi:10.3886/ICPSR24642
  • Local jails on March 31, 2006 was extracted from: United States Department of Justice. Office of Justice Programs. Bureau of Justice Statistics. Census of Jail Facilities, 2006 [Computer file]. ICPSR26602-v1. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2010-01-26. doi:10.3886/ICPSR26602

Military prisons and state halfway houses are not included in the above table as we were not able to locate an appropriate national database of these types of facilities. Juvenile facilities are not included in the above because the Census Bureau counts these facilities separately from the adult correctional institutions that are the focus of our work. Where necessary, state-specific sources will be more useful for identifying juvenile facilities.

We do, however, have a list (without population information) of all federal halfway houses as of March 2010.

For state, federal and local prisons built or expanded in the latter half of the decade, you may find this list of New and Expanded Prisons Since 2000 helpful as well.

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